The walls of our neighborhoods have become authentic canvases where street artists express themselves and give us their creations, one more particular feature of the neighborhoods.
Author: Gallino
Authores: Pez Dani, Ro Bianchi & Camila Guimaraes
Author: Carlos Páez Vilaró
Author: Gallino
Author: Gallino
Author: Mokek
Author: Fulviet
Author: Nieko.nst
Author: Anónimo
Author: Gallino
Author: Fulviet
Authores: Dani Beragoches, Vale Bonet, Noes Co
Author: Pezzdani
Author: Stencilmore
Author: Licuado
Author: Min Oho
Authores: Tepintahudson & Serranusky
In recent years, an interesting street art scene has been brewing in Montevideo. , which includes the intervention of facades using different techniques such as graffiti, murals, stencil, screen printing, mixed, etc.
Street Art
Street Art Uy